
BookMarketingPro: Face-to-face coaching, tailored to you and your writing. Maybe you’ve not finished your novel yet, but you’re sensibly looking ahead. Or maybe your novel is completed and edited, your cover designed, the book ready to go. Maybe you have an agent and contract, maybe you’re...

Writing a query letter is tricky, striking the crucial balance between informing and persuading. Hard facts rather than verbosity are your best ally here and these are the points an agent or publisher will look for you to cover in your query letter. Succinct information about...

Identify an agent who represents authors who write novels in the same genre as yours. One easy way to do this is to identify novels which share similarities to yours on the bookshelves and check the acknowledgements. An author almost always thanks their agent. Then check...

What’s the single biggest flaw I see in writing? It has to be telling and not showing. Both on a micro and a macro scale. Show not tell is perhaps the piece of advice most handed out to writers. But what does it actually mean? Here’s a few pointers, on the...

The benefits of entering competitions are significant. They can be career-enhancing and even life-changing. So here's our top five reasons for entering competitions. Our last reason may surprise you, and it applies to all writing competition entrants, not just the winners. So does the fourth...