Submission Package Special

Here’s how we help you maximise your submission’s potential.

  1. We carefully read through your opening up to 10,000 words, your synopsis and your cover letter. We make comments in the margins and write a brief report on all three.
  2. You return the work to us after making any revisions, and we copy-edit all three documents for you so the prose is as near perfect as possible. If there’s still something major we think could be tweaked, we let you know in a comment.
  3. If you haven’t got an elevator pitch, we help you write one, and if you include one, we comment on that too: these days they’re important.


Cost: £345.00

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Synopsis: Where you explain briefly what kind of book it is, when and where it’s set and its word count; then focus on who is telling the story; what happens and why, right to the end.

Elevator pitch: The essence of what the book’s about, as attention-grabbing as you can, in one, maximum two brief sentences.

Cover letter: What makes you the ideal person to write a novel (or memoir), and this novel in particular, and more to come. In other words: your experience, expertise and any success or highlights, both within writing and your relevant work or passions. What you’re working on now this novel is finished. Why you are applying to this agent or publisher. Explain succinctly how your novel is a good fit for this agent’s list; not only that they focus on, for example, historical crime, but that there’s a gap for, say, a detective operating in the Georgian era – and that’s what you write. Note briefly what information you’ve attached/enclosed, and how to contact you.