Editing Q&A

How do I ask for an editing quote?

Email us with details of which service you’re interested in and send us the first two chapters. Please remind us if you’ve used our critique or editing service in the last six months and you’re claiming your 5% discount. Let us know if you’d like a free, 500-word mini copy-edit.

How long will it take?

We will agree a schedule with you before beginning any editing work, taking into account your requirements and the level of work likely to be involved.

The average turnround is 4-5 weeks for either developmental or copy-editing a full-length manuscript.

Can I post a hard copy of the manuscript for editing?

No, sorry; for editing we must have digital files.

Do you offer copy-editing for non-fiction writing?

Yes. For biographies, memoirs, travelogues and other narrative non-fiction, including articles and non-technical business writing, the price structure is the same as for fiction. We always need sight of the manuscript before we can confirm a quote.

Do you offer proofreading?

Proofreading is the very last thing that happens to your manuscript before it goes to production, so this service is only for those intending to independently publish. We provide the service to writers who have already had their manuscripts copy-edited by Fiction Feedback. It caters for an author’s subsequent changes to a manuscript following recommendations or suggestions in the copy-edit. We will quote depending on the work it needs, with proofreading rates always lower than those for copy-editing.

Once my manuscript is edited, can you help me find an agent or publisher?

We are sometimes in a position to extend help to novelists and will be pleased to do this where appropriate. We also offer practical help at very reasonable fees with covering letters and synopses to those whose work we’ve edited. Advice, and agent or publisher recommendations are free.

Submit your work

Send us 5,000 words and what kind of editing you’re ready for – developmental or copy-editing – and we’ll provide a quote.

Editing is where we examine your MS in depth.


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A very detailed assessment of the novel, usually consisting of both a long report and comments to the manuscript (MS) itself.


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This is the stage where we look at the nuts and bolts of the prose, such as grammar, word choice and punctuation, and much more.


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Get in touch to find out more about our full range of services, critiques or to submit your work.


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