29 Aug Publishing contracts for Fiction Feedback authors
In autumn 2024 Level Best Books published Blackshirt Rebellion, the third in the Agents of Room Z trilogy by Jason Monaghan about a spy planted in the fascist movement in England in the 1930s. It takes history and gives it a bit of a shake, but always in a way that takes the avid reader along for a thoughtful as well as breathtaking ride with Hugh, Sissy and friends. However it was the second book in the series, Blackshirt Conspiracy, published in 2023, where Fiction Feedback undertook a lot of the editing, although as always the publisher has the final say.
All three Blackshirt books are found here.
In 2022 we saw five of our authors get their books published through traditional publishers, with others waiting for a decision or for publication next year.
The books are:
The Slow Roll by Simon Lendrum, an absolutely wonderful, exciting crime story set in modern-day New Zealand about the adventures of professional gambler O’Malley and his girlfriend Claire. High octane, yet with strong and unusual characters who you really come to root for, the novel is published by Upstart Press of Auckland. Fiction Feedback provided editorial support and a copy-edit. https://upstartpress.co.nz/product/the-slow-roll
Blackshirt Masquerade by Jason Monaghan. Set in Britain in the 1930s this is a spy story unlike any you’ve read before – about an officer thrown out of the army who is asked to infiltrate Mosley’s British Union of Fascists on behalf of the Security Services. Subtle yet exciting, with a great character lead in Hugh Clifton, this provides a fascinating view of 1930s politics and an insignt into one brave man’s facility for getting into trouble. Society deb Sissy doesn’t let Hugh have all the fun, and courts her fair share of danger while never dreaming her lover is a traitor to Mosely’s cause. Published by Level Best Books in the US, Fiction Feedback gave editorial support with the early drafts. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blackshirt-Masquerade-Agents-Room-Novel-ebook/dp/B09TRZBLFF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T6FO4GB59Z6B&keywords=jason+monaghan&qid=1661785141&s=books&sprefix=jason+monaghan%2Cstripbooks%2C118&sr=1-1
Unicorn Publishing is a very niche and esoteric house that now and again publishes fiction. We copy-edited the most delightful historical romance by Alice Church: The Belles of Waterloo and a rollicking children’s adventure story called Robbie, or How To Be a Detective by Lady Caroline Conran. Both were published in 2022. https://www.unicornpublishing.org/page/results/?SQF=/1:R&DS=Fiction
We also provded developmental editing for A Case of Royal Blackmail, a new Sherlock Holmes novel based on the young consulting detective’s early adventures in the pre-Watson days. We copy-edited that one too – it’s published by Affable Media, a subsidiary of Unicorn: https://www.unicornpublishing.org/page/detail/A-Case-of-Royal-Blackmail/?K=9781913491420.
We congratulate all our authors on their publishing deals and are proud to have helped in their journey. We hope you might read their books!